Autumn Elegance: Rebecca and Tony’s Island Palms Wedding

Rebecca and Tony’s Fall Wedding at Island Palms was a love-filled celebration with the San Diego Bay and Shelter Island Marina as their picturesque backdrop. The venue was adorned in the rich, autumnal colors of green, red, yellow, and orange, mirroring the season’s vibrant hues. Rebecca’s exquisite lace bridal gown and the sage bridesmaids’ dresses seamlessly complemented the fall theme, while every detail, including Bailey their 3-year-old beagle the ring-bearer, was thoughtfully curated to perfection.

Adding a personal touch, the floral arch featured Irish heather to honor Rebecca’s Irish heritage and orange marigolds to represent Anthony’s Mexican roots. Anthony and Rebecca shared heartfelt notes written on Best Western notepads throughout the morning, with their wedding party playing messenger, creating a day filled with love and meaningful connections.



Coordinator | @hollykalkinweddings
Photographer |
Venue | @island_palms
DJ  @dancingdjproductions
Floral | @sandiegofloraldesign
Makeup | @priscilla_sdmua